Aran Quinn

Etsy Illustrations

In 2023, Etsy’s creative team reached out about collaborating on two sets of illustrations that portrayed different subjects and categories within Etsy. Below are six Seller Prompts and six Buyer Prompts. 

The Buyer Promts depicted; ‘Gift Giving,' 'Comunity,' 'Cyber Week,' 'General Sales,' and the 'Holiday Season.’ 

The Seller Promotions conveyed ‘Virtual Community’, ‘Social Media Education’, ‘Celebratory Accomplishments’, ‘SEO Search’, ‘Sellers Supporting Eachother’, and ‘Holiday Shipping’.

I love working with the Etsy team, and this was one of the most enjoyable projects I have worked on with them to date.

Below are the initial pencil-sketched designs from the earlier presentation rounds.